With all our best intentions, January is halfway gone and some of us have not found the way to jump-start the new year.
“#NewYearNewYou” sounds good, but you haven’t decided what you are going to do about it yet? Some of you may have read my recent post: Top 6 Best Habits to Start Your Day with Confidence, and thought – No Way! Morning is a no-go! Well, here are some things you can do in the more reasonable hours of the day. And many of them take no additional time!Self-confidence is fundamental to our success in work, relationships, and overall happiness. When we feel confident, we don’t waste time and energy doubting ourselves or others’ intentions. We are more likely to take positive actions in our lives and have more drive and motivation.
1. Breathe Properly
At the office: practice taking deep breaths or at least breathing fully from your abdomen in stressful meetings and teleconferences. This will help lower the levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) in your blood.
2. Shoulders Back!
Our body is an important channel of confidence. The way we hold it projects our level of confidence in the world, but also tells our brain how confident we should feel. A simple trick is to make sure your shoulders are back as you walk and sit. It makes you feel and look more confident (and attractive, too!)
3. Manage your Saboteur Voice
All-day long: Practice noticing your inner-critic. Adjust your self-talk to be as kind to yourself as you would be to your best friend.
4. Adjust How Much You Speak Up
If you typically wait to speak your opinion until you are sure that it won’t be shot down, practice being the first to speak up in those meetings. On the other hand, if you are the kind of person constantly needing to get a word in edgewise, you may have a hidden concern that others don’t value your opinion. Practice waiting to speak up; telling yourself – ‘My opinion is valuable. I will know when the time is right to share it.’
5. Go home on time!
Give yourself a chance to enjoy your evening with family, friends or cherish your alone time. This is respecting yourself and choosing to work to live not live to work’. This builds self-confidence because you are underscoring to yourself the fact that you (and your relationships!) are important.
6. Actually Wind Down in the Evening
Remember, watching TV is an illusion of pleasure. Watching TV and movies occasionally is great, but when it becomes an automatic habit, chances are you are sacrificing precious time that could be used to connect with loved ones and rest. When we are rested and feel connected with those we love, it helps us be at our best and naturally builds confidence.For more tips like these, sign up for the Coaching Without Borders newsletter or read my book
The Four Channels; A Businesswoman’s Guide to Cracking Confidence
.How do these exercises sound to you? Do you have comments or other tips to share? Leave a comment below!